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All Special Roses

If you are unsure as to what to buy for a wedding present, haven't seen the wedding list or are not able to go to the wedding but would like to send something safely through the post, why not consider sending a rose? We have a wonderful selection of roses suitable for this special occasion.

Scent from Heaven - Climber - Potted

 £17.45  each  (inc. VAT at 20%)

Scent from Heaven - Climber - Bare Rooted

 £15.45  each  (inc. VAT at 20%)

Scentimental - Floribunda - Potted

 £15.95  each  (inc. VAT at 20%)

Scentimental - Floribunda - Bare Rooted

 £13.95  each  (inc. VAT at 20%)

Silver Anniversary - Hybrid Tea - Potted

 £15.95  each  (inc. VAT at 20%)

Silver Anniversary - Hybrid Tea - Bare Rooted

 £13.95  each  (inc. VAT at 20%)

Silver Anniversary - Standard - Bare Rooted

 £31.95  each  (inc. VAT at 20%)

Silver Jubilee - Hybrid Tea - Potted

 £15.95  each  (inc. VAT at 20%)

Silver Jubilee - Hybrid Tea - Bare Rooted

 £13.95  each  (inc. VAT at 20%)

Silver Jubilee - Standard - Bare Rooted

 £28.95  each  (inc. VAT at 20%)

Special Anniversary - Hybrid Tea - Potted

 £15.95  each  (inc. VAT at 20%)

Special Anniversary - Hybrid Tea - Bare Rooted

 £13.95  each  (inc. VAT at 20%)