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Roses Suitable for Hedging

Roses are increasingly being used as spectacular flowering boundary hedges. They can be pruned between 1m to over 2m in height. There are many roses to choose. Our suggestions on some of the best are shown below.

Rosa Rugosa Alba - Shrub - Potted

 £11.95  each  (inc. VAT at 20%)

Rosa Rugosa Alba - Shrub - Bare Rooted

 £9.95  each  (inc. VAT at 20%)

Rosa Rugosa Rubra - Shrub - Potted

 £11.95  each  (inc. VAT at 20%)

Rosa Rugosa Rubra - Shrub - Bare Rooted

 £9.95  each  (inc. VAT at 20%)

Roseraie de L'Hay - Shrub - Potted

 £15.95  each  (inc. VAT at 20%)

Roseraie de L'Hay - Shrub - Bare Rooted

 £13.95  each  (inc. VAT at 20%)

Tuscany Superb - Shrub - Potted

 £15.95  each  (inc. VAT at 20%)

Tuscany Superb - Shrub - Bare Rooted

 £13.95  each  (inc. VAT at 20%)